Dr. Osteopath Alessandro Urbani

My name is Alessandro Urbani and I’m a posturologist, osteopath, kinesiologist specializes in Pediatric Osteopathy. Among the different manipulation techniques I can decide to use on my patients – according to their problems, conditions and age – there’s a method of my own called Cranial Fascial Therapy.

I’ve had years of study both in Italy and abroad: from the Master di Posturology at the Tor Vergata University in Rome to the prestigious professional title of Philosophy Doctor in Osteopathy achieved in the USA at John Locke University. Today I’m pleased to entertain international collaborations, since I strongly believe in the synergy among specialists aimed to improve patient care.

Beside my strictly professional activities, I’ve been giving lectures across Europe.

Drawing on decades of experience and driven by the desire of understanding the symptoms that afflict my patient’s everyday life, I believe that every health issue should be considered in a globally physical and mental perspective. Indeed, back to my student days I used to combine my professional studies with activities in the sports center as technical manager.

International osteopathy collaboration

I’ve always been fascinated by movement and human biomechanics; therefore it was a great deal of satisfaction to me cooperating with Technogym: an italian world leader company in gym equipment. Together with the company I tested the Arke weight training devices and developed training and muscular rebalancing methods based on the Kinesis machine.

I’ve regularly cooperated with international structures; for example with the Neurology Center in Barcelona (until 2019) and some dental clinics in the same spanish city such as Happy Clinic and Tresserra Clinic. Currently I cooperate with the Deschidem Inimi Neurology Center in Pitesti, Romania, and with the Altermedica Center of which I’m co-leader. Plus, I have the opportunity to cooperate with medical specialists in Orthopedics, Psychology, Gynecology, Nutrition, Ophthalmology and Odontology.

From the perspective of my  Pediatric Osteopathy specialization, I focused on international projects. Indeed, since 2020 I’ve been promoting the Register of International Neurosteopathy (R.I.NO.), of which I’m creator and president, and cooperate with the Heart With Hands Foundation in order to help children and teenanger affected by neurological diseases all over the world.

Moreover, I’m founder of the Altermedica Center, a Clinic Posturology Center, and co-founder of the Society Of Integrative Posturology born in 2019, and member of I.A.C.O.N..

Contact me

If you’re looking for a professional Osteopath, I’m right here for you.

If you want to find out more about my Cranial Fascial Therapy method, do not hesitate to contact me.

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